Your personnel service provider for skilled workers around Stuttgart and beyond.
Our pool of employees includes more than 180 dedicated, motivated and qualified specialists. All of our employees have degrees: a skilled worker's certificate or journeyman's certificate, for example, but also a master craftsman's certificate or a university degree. In addition, each specialist already has relevant professional experience. This enables us to respond precisely to your ideas and requirements and to provide you with exactly the right personnel to fit your job profile. You also save both time and superfluous costs for the administrative apparatus and can act more goal-oriented and economically in the future.
The procedure for you as an employer or company: very simple and straightforward
Only a few steps are required to make use of our personnel placement service. Take a look at our pool of specialists in advance. There you will find detailed information on each specialist with regard to their qualifications and experience. Have you found an employee who meets your company's needs and would be a good fit for your business? Then give us a call right away! Alternatively, you can fill out and send us the personnel inquiry below. We will contact you as soon as possible.

The business units of Personalexpress KG

Heating, ventilation, plumbing and electrical installers

Painters, drywallers and full thermal insulation

Air conditioning and refrigeration

Warehouse Logistics

Manufacturing and mechanical engineering

Locksmith, lathe operator, CNC miller

Commercial staff